Friday, April 10, 2009

Farm Safety day @ the elementary school..
Wednesday & Thrusday many, many little people came out to learn different safety things from lawnmower riding to what kind of snakes we have down here. The fire departments normally have 2 or 3 different site and this year was no different...we rolled our dive boat out with one diver (Justin Lloyd) and a tender (Daddy).

Tracy Martin & Mr. Robert Martin took the Rescue Bronco with the Jaws of Life and talked to the kids about road & driving safety. Mr. Robert does an exceptional job with the kids...Tracy as well..

Bo Dixon from Roxie Fire Dept had their truck and talked to them about different safety things pertaining to house fires.

Some kids have seen and heard this many times before, and some even have family involved in the Fire Dept as Byron does below, but there is always something new to be learned and something to catch their attention.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Ok, I want to ride on that boat. I know I can do something to help!