Tuesday, March 20, 2007

6 things that make me happy
6 things that someone might find weird about me

I saw this on Nana's(Mrs. Barbara) blog page and thought it was neat.

Things that make me happy-
  • being able to have my own place again...
  • Even though I might fuss at them, Cole, Cheyenne & Colby.. Each one of them have their own special way of making me smile when I need it the most.
  • knowing that whenever I am down I have friends that won't judge me for my actions, and can tell me no matter how bad things are "that it's gonna be ok" or "it'll be alright".
  • knowing that even though i might not act a Christian all the time and that I don't deserve it, but the Good Lord Loves me thick & thin and He is always there for me when I'm at my lowest and have no where else to turn
  • a summer day at the river

Things that someone might find weird about me-

  • I am uncomfortable with someone taking a bath/shower in my tub unless you are family, lifetime friends or someone i'm dating
  • i don't like drinking out of glass glasses...with the exception of 2 glasses that are ok
  • I have to have hand cleaner in my truck at all times...in my purse (that stems from being an EMT and seeing some nasty crap...you want to bathe in the stuff at times)
  • I keep an extra pair of boots and tennis shoes and normally keep a rain coat in my truck ( EMT stuff again)
  • I have no problem correcting someone elses children
  • I don't get over loving someone so easily...but yet even though they may hurt me, I want to stay friends with them afterwards...guess that comes from wanting to be the "better person"

It's not as easy as I thought it would be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny just how you change things working in healthcare?? You should see the bottles of hand sanitizer I keep!! haha. (one in purse, one in truck, and a tiny bottle for my scrubs) Man, I sound like a germ-a-phobe. But you know what I'm talking about.