Sunday, January 04, 2009

Welcome 2009
I have not posted in a long while...Nothing major other than the holidays. I was cursed with the stomach flu the week of Christmas... I worked only 2 days really that week. And can say I shared it with my co worker. She wasn't very happy with me on Christmas Eve.

Christmas has come and gone along with New Years. Our big news for 2009 is Chris and Bridget are expecting #3.

Work is work..busy busy...especially this time of the year. Which we expect. I'm filling in tonight at the sheriff's office. They are short handed and I agreed to help tonight. I now know why I don't work here anymore.. I enjoy working with the deputies, they are always a hoot to work with, but everything else just brings a person down.

Someone asked me what my New Years Resolution was..I thought and thought... and decided not to make any resolutions...they are made just to be I have decided I will say I'm going to try to get healthier, follow thru on being a better person, and continue to try to grow spiritually. This is something that over the years I've let fall to the waist side, and I'm not proud of it. But we have a forgiving God when we fall short. I know this now and I have been trying really hard to walk the walk and talk the talk so to say. I've got to say, since I've really been trying hard this is been easier this time. I guess before, I just felt bad about something that hmight have happened, and would ask for forgiveness and go on about my business. I guess as they say when you lay all our burdens down to the Lord, he makes them disappear or they become easier to deal with. And for this I am thankful! I'm not a person who can quote Bible verses at the drop of a hat, but that's ok...Maybe my words can simply be enough.. That's me a Simiple person, Simple Christian...Simply growing...

I hope for each of you a blessed and happy 2009... Stay tuned for Great news. I have a good feeling this year!!!

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