Monday, October 22, 2007

Franklinton Fair!!

Ain't no way in H*** you could have gotten me to do this...Sorry I kinda lost track of the seats for a moment....

I went to the Franklinton Fair this weekend with some friends. We had a really awsome time...something different to do...

The fair down there isn't like the fair here. We don't have any "for a $1 see a 75 lb rat"...or "snake woman for $1"...well as you can see the guys gave a $1 each for the 75 lb rat..which turned out to be an animal from another country with no tail.. but i gave into the snake thingy...yea..i paid my $1 didn't even let Wes pay my way on that stupid adventure...LIVE and Learn!

We enjoyed walking around looking at the crafts and we rode one ride...each getting off complaining of something...then of course had to have a footlong corndog, cotton candy, carmel apple and funnel cake...and no one had a belly ache for we sere smart...we shared so it wouldn't cost as much!!! YIKES the prices people charge for this stuff!

Corndogs $ 6.00 each

Cokes $2.00 for small

Carmel Apple $4.00

Cotton Candy $5.00

Funnel cake $6.00

Tickets for rides $23


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