Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Here they come..the terrible twos!!

Two years ago, after working a page where a guy had attempted to overdose and "put my lights out", I get a telephone call about 12:45 am that says "yea, where are you?" My response was "leaving the fire station..what's up?", she says "yea, um...can you come take me to the hospital? My water broke about an hour ago, but I knew you were on a call.." of course my answer was "An hour ago?!? why didn't you call sooner, I'll be right there."

I get there we get the car loaded, get Mom and Dad to come stay with Colby and away we go..Now, here is how organized Bridget was...the car was on EMPTY.. so to Fenns we go (since they have the 24 hr pumps) & grab Jennifer Ezell on the way. We finally made it to the hospital about 2:30ish I think. Chris was sick with a cold, had had taken way too much Nyquil. Bridget had actually called him when her water broke and all he said was ok... Knowing he was sick & had taken the medicine, she didn't say anymore. At about 5 I think Chris called and asked was he dreaming or did Bridget really call and say her water had broke. Then he was somewhere in TN working I think. So on the road he got. It was already planned that if Chris couldn't get there in time I would go in the delivery room with her. Which I did and LOVED every minute of it even though the Dr kept trying to pull a sheet up where I couldn't see!

Well here we are two years later and this is the very lovable, blond hair, blue eyed, loves to be outside, hates to say he love you, will take a baseball bat to his brother, is as big as the big boys, loves is Mamo & Mommy beyond belief little boy!

Happy Birthday Colten!

I wouldn't trade any amount of money for those memories I made and will continue to make being your Aunt Chonda!!

Now how will baby Caden make his appearance?!? As eventful as Colten? Stay tuned, time is getting closer!

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