Sunday, August 17, 2008

Dang it!! How could I forget...

As Sam says "FRAP" (change the f to a c)! How could I possibly let both batteries in both camera run down?!?! Wes has been asking and asking for me to take some pictures of Tristan, so I figured since I was going to cook supper for the guys I'd take some pictures while I was there. But no the only camera I had in my car had dead of course I missed out on some good "father-son snapshots" Friday and Saturday. Then TODAY we decide to take Tristan out in the boat at Okhissa. Of course I really had no plans on fishing, just trying to keep Tristan from becoming man overboard. With camera in hand we head we get settled I look at him and think with the water that would be an awsome picture and he's actually smiling (without a snotty nose at that), I grab my camera..and this one has dead batteries also!! FRAP!!! Dang it!! Darn!! Oh well guess I can look at it like this, Wes will have to take us back out again...ummm..well I thought he would, but he says NO!!

A 2 year old in a boat for 4 hours is not Daddy's idea of fun, and then there is the small fact that when I did fish, I got hung up twice, broke one line, then ended up hooking myself in the back of the leg and we won't even talk about the sunburn and Wes telling me "put sunscreen on" cuz I didn't listen at all (baby had it on, that's the main thing), Wes said it's either me or Tristan he can't handle both of us! So I have a feeling Tristan and I will be sitting on the bank somewhere next time! :(

Even though I didn't have my camera, I had a great weekend with them both!

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