Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Perfect Shirt!
Isn't this the perfect shirt for me?!?!? I thought so. I got this on my trip to Alabama (the Joe Nichols concert). Even though I didn't want to spend any extra cash, I just had to have this shirt! Wendy & Michelle said it was SCREAMING for me to buy it! For some reason people seem to think that Papa wouldn't like it if I wore it to work! :-)

They are called Southern Belle t-shirts. A place out of Columbus, MS prints them up. There are lots of cute Southern Belle saying that she had. Like "good thing about living in a small town is if you don't know what you're doing, someone else does!" , "Diamonds and pearls are nice, but there's nothing like a Mississippi Girl", "I use to go skinny dippin, but now I go chunky dunkin"-I almost got that one too! She had many more. And we are trying to contact her for more info on them. I'd like to get an order together so if anyone is interested, let me know.

1 comment:

carol said...

Hey Chonda, if you get up an order on the t-shirts let me know I would love to have one. Thanks