Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving was a good weekend for us. It was just family.. Colby went to his dad's so he was missing...but no extras this year. Brandy, Chris and I all went hunting after we ate. No one saw anything, but we enjoyed ourselves. Friday night Hannah, Justin and I sat around the bonfire and listened to Franklin Co win a play off game. We play the for SouthState title this weekend (go dawgs!)

Chris and Bridget left heading back for Arizona Friday. I took Nick to the airport yesterday for his flight back to Arizona.

On my way back from Jackson, I stopped by Wes' to check on him and Tristan. Which I'm thinking was a good idea. Wes wasn't feeling real well and Tristan was running the house. So we got the baby dressed and away to McDonald's we went. Tristan ate and we rode to the park. We feed the geese and ducks at the park and just rode around for a while.
Wes has been shut up inside for 2 days and the walls were closing in on him. After we got back home, some friends rode up with their little girl and ate supper with us. They had fun.. with 2 the same age (like 4 mo apart), they played good for a little while and quickly got tired of each other. But before they did, I managed to get this picture of them in the toy box together! All in all, we had a good evening...when I left Tristan was waking up from his Power Nap. Needless to say, Wes wasn't thrilled.. So now everyone is up to date!

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