Friday, January 30, 2009

Big Girls You are Beautiful!

Do a search for Big Girl (you are beautiful). It's a cute song for us fluffy girls! Mika is the's a cute fun song... A friend of mine put it on my MP3 player a while back & it is a favorite. Here is the YOu tube link to it:
I got my starting number last night at weight watchers....and that number will never been seen again! I've drank enough water and unsweetened tea to flush myself out of Franklin County today! Tara and I will hit the road again tonight in our goal to walk at least 30 min today...

Hope all my girls have a good Weekend!! Mrs. Carolyn Laird's (Jennifer & Breann's mom) birthday is today, we are taking her to the movies and lunch at Logans tomorrow. Then home for Cole's Birthday party. His birthday was the 27th and he turned 5 this year. Brandy's birthday was yesterday and she turned...well I ain't tellin...
I'll post birthday pictures Monday!

1 comment:

Momma Pug said...

Good luck girl! I know you can do it!